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For AAU researchers

Communication & Impact

Research communication and research impact are key factors when it comes to ensure that science and research reach a wider audience and have a real impact on society. By disseminating research results in a way that is easy to understand and engage with, you can increase interest in both science and your research.

For AAU researchers

Communication & Impact

Research communication and research impact are key factors when it comes to ensure that science and research reach a wider audience and have a real impact on society. By disseminating research results in a way that is easy to understand and engage with, you can increase interest in both science and your research.

AAU Communication and Public Affairs

AAU's central communication department, AAU Communication and Public Affairs, helps with guidance and/or solving research-related communication tasks such as press, social media, web and internal communication.

Please, contact us at aaukommunikation@adm.aau.dk