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Facilities and Equipment

Researchers at Aalborg University can relate research to facilities and equipment at Aalborg University. This way, you can visualize the connections between e.g. labs, research output and projects.


Facilities and Equipment

Researchers at Aalborg University can relate research to facilities and equipment at Aalborg University. This way, you can visualize the connections between e.g. labs, research output and projects.

If you have found a facility or piece of equipment in VBN that you would like to use, please contact the person responsible.

If there is a facility or piece of equipment that you would like to have registered in Aalborg University's Research Portal, please contact vbn@aub.aau.dk

At the bottom of every registration in Pure (the system behind Aalborg University's Research Portal, VBN) you can relate to other content, e.g. facilities and equipment. This can help show the research process and draw lines between your work. A facility can be a laboratory, studio, test site etc., while equipment can be a supercomputer, microfilm reader, or other pieces.

How to relate facilities to other VBN content

Disclaimer: The precise look of the interface may vary due to system updates

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How to relate facilities to other VBN content

Disclaimer: The precise look of the interface may vary due to system updates

Lise Bundgaard & Steffen Nørgaard Mikkelsen, the VBN Team

In need of assistance?

Are you in need of support and advice on how to make your research visible through Aalborg University's Research Portal, VBN? The VBN Team offers online support and teaching to help and advise you on registration of research in Pure (the system supporting VBN).

VBN TeamLog in to PureVBN Research Portal